Welcome to Dynamo-Gear


I'm just gonna keep trying new mediums and styles until somebody stops me

Personal Info

Who is Dynamo-Gear?👁A 23-year-old living in New York City, creating to understand creation.
I use he/him pronouns.
🌐My inspirations include UPA Cartoons, Y2K aesthetics, retrofuturism, space-age logo design, brutalism, solarpunk and most other designs that imagine a more integrated and promising future. Also classic YouTube, gotta have that in here🎇Whenever I work on something, I try to sponsor a world in which information is free and easy to imbibe- and one where intolerance isn't tolerated.⚠If the smallest convenience of letting others know that they're accepted and safe here offends you, I relish in knowing you're missing out on my stuff.See you across the electrosphere ⚡